Little Singham

 Little Singham

Little Singham is an Indian animated television series produced by Rohit Shetty Picturez, in collaboration with Discovery Kids and Reliance Animation (a Reliance Entertainment Company). It premiered on 21 April 2018 on Discovery kids, following the revamp of the channel. It showcases the life of Bajirao Singham as a little boy, who fights criminals, monsters, and dangerous mutants to save his city.

The show is based on the film Singham and is directed by Vikram Veturi. Reliance Entertainment commissioned Shekhar Veturi to create and develop the series, who also wrote the pilot episode and provided plot summaries in the first season. The show has planned 156 episodes and 5 telefilms for the first season written by Sonam Shekhawat, Nidhi Anand, Angelene Kaur and Yash Thakur.

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